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Breast Thermography

Thermography is non-invasive, safe & painless - no radiation or compression is used. Thermography is based on the scientific premise that before the growth of the abnormal cells can occur, an increased blood supply must be circulated to the growth area. Thermography measures the heat generated by the micro circulation of blood in the breast during this process. Structural tests, such as mammograms & ultrasound rely on finding physical lesions (Lumps - anatomy), while Breast Thermography detects asymmetrical blood vessel circulation (Functional - physiology) within the breast.

Studies Have Shown

  • An abnormal infrared image is the single most important marker of high risk for developing breast cancer 

  • A persistent abnormal image carries with it a 22 times higher risk of developing future breast cancer 

  • When Thermography is added to a women's regular breast health checkup, a 61% increase in survival rates has been shown

  • When Thermography is used as part of a multimodal approach (clinical examination & Thermography) 95% of early-stage breast cancers can be detected

  • Who should have Breast Thermography Testing?

    • Women who want to take a proactive approach to their health

    • Women who have had inconclusive mammograms or areas being watched - Women with dense or fibrocystic breasts, where mammography is of little value, will benefit from the thermographic monitoring

    • Young women - there is currently no routine screening test for women under 40. Studies have shown that when cancer appears in the breast of younger women is is usually a much more aggressive form

    • Pregnant women - Thermography can be safely performed

    • In addition, early breast exams can provide a valuable baseline from which to measure future breast health & potential risk factors

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